Last week’s weather here in NY kicked up in temperature and humidity. Between the past few weekends of long runs and the workouts during the week, I pivoted from my original training plan I mapped out and focused on taking the week light and taking most of the efforts at a recovery pace. I could feel the fatigue from the long runs and the heat, so it was time for a break.
It was a good thing I opted to take it easier as it was hard gauging my intensity as I am missing my training statistics. My Garmin watch was unable to sync to the Garmin Connect portal. Garmin was the recipient of a hacking / ransomware attack that has impacted all their systems, and so far they are still down.
This week, I will focus on Yoga to get in some deep stretching, and more strength-focused efforts. I need to get in some more extended endurance-focused training, depending on the weather this is looking like it will be indoors.
Are you training for anything or trying to improve your speed, cadence, or output on the Bike or Tread? Ping me on Instagram @RobertJGates