Technology is always in a constant state of change. Over the years, I have always been impressed by Apple’s ability to roll out new, well-thought-out concepts. The new “Connect to This (Mac, iPhone, iPad)” feature seemed like a great idea, allowing for the headsets to quickly switch between devices as you go about your day.
While this feature in its current approach may work if you are using only a single device at a time, some, if not most people, are using multiple Apple-based devices at any given time.

For example, when working at my desk, I often have a video from my iPad playing, I am doing work on my main desktop computer, and on my mobile phone, I am listening to music or on a call. With “Automatically Switch AirPods” active, it has become a game of fighting with the AirPods as you try to get things done on the various devices. The headset’s desire to attach to whatever device it thinks you are currently interacting with can be frustrating. At the end of the day, I am interacting with them all, so I want to leave the headset where it is until I go out of my way to switch to a different device.
After some research, I found the setting on my iPhone to disable the “Connect to this iPhone Automatically” and I changed the setting to “When Last Connected to This iPhone.”
At first, it seemed like that was all I needed to do, but I quickly realized it was still happening. Since the AirPods get synced to all devices that I am signed into iCloud, I needed to go into each device and change the “Connect to This Mac, iPad, iPhone” to “When Last Connected to This …..”
If you have AirPods and find your headset is bouncing around between devices, definitely make this change. It will save you from frustration.